Paul Stanway Composer Logo
tel 01727 842734 (St Albans / London UK)
demos about me method contact me

Paul Stanway Violin Logo
if you are involved with any type of project which may require music please get in touch -

(+44) 01727 842734

for commissioned / bespoke soundtrack work, roughly £150 per day / £600 a week (GBP); where exclusivity is not required (i.e. that same music can later be used elsewhere) those rates can be halved

i'll try to fit within what is available (there's often a clock ticking by the time a production gets to the music stage), however if i feel timescales are too tight and there is no music within my back-catalogue which might help, i'll turn the project down. to assist things the director/producer should be quickly on hand for feedback and discussion during the initial stages of the project

i am not signed with an agency - if you have an interest, feel free to get in touch